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hearing loss treatment

How Much Can Hearing Aids Help With Profound Hearing Loss?

Profound hearing loss means that you are unable to hear sounds lower than 90 decibels. For reference, there are many sounds near this decibel range. These include a lawnmower, noisy restaurant, heavy traffic, subway, and an air conditioner. Profound hearing loss is also referred to as severe hearing loss. There are many different factors that can cause profound hearing loss.

Causes of Profound Hearing Loss

There are three main causes of profound hearing loss. The first and most common is through a birth defect. This type of hearing loss is also known as congenital. Second, illnesses like Meniere's disease and mumps can result in severe hearing loss. Injury to the ear is another contributing factor to developing profound hearing loss.

Seeking Treatment

Profound hearing loss is best treated by a licensed audiologist. They have the skills and expertise to help assess your degree of hearing loss. They can provide viable solutions to improve your hearing with the world around you. One newer solution to handling profound hearing loss is through power hearing aids.

Hearing aids were to help those with mild to moderate hearing loss enhance their ability to hear. Those who suffered from severe or profound hearing loss weren't able to use these devices. But, hearing aids manufacturers have recently come out with power hearing aids. These can help to address this higher degree of hearing loss.

Power Hearing Aids

Power or super power hearing aids are available in only one style, which is behind the ear. Power hearing aids have much larger electrical circuitry than other hearing aids. It can't currently be in a smaller in-the-ear style hearing aid. The first power hearing aids came only with disposal batteries. But, newer versions offer the convenience of rechargeable batteries.

Contrary to what many individuals think, hearing aids aren't interchangeable fits. You'll need a customized hearing aid to fit your ear and the type of hearing loss that you experience. Working with our hearing care professionals will allow you to get the right hearing aid for you. It will also reduce feedback and ensure that you're hearing the noises around you. Our hearing care professionals get to know you, your lifestyle, and your hearing. They strive to provide you with the best power hearing aids to enhance your hearing and quality of life.

Contact Us Today

If you're experiencing hearing loss, then stop by or give us a call. Our hearing care professionals will be more than happy to examine your hearing and provide suitable hearing aid options that can enhance your overall quality of life.