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Can Long Exposure to Radiation Cause Hearing Loss?
Radiation treatment has become increasingly popular for treating neck and head tumors, and most of the radiation may reach the auditory system.
Do Musicians Suffer from Hearing Loss?
While it is not guaranteed to happen, many musicians deal with hearing loss at some point in their life due to prolonged exposure to loud sounds.
Hearing Loss and Increased Risk of Falls
While many different factors contribute to the number of falls that elderly patients experience each year, hearing loss is the most common.
Which Hearing Aid is Best for Sensorineural Hearing Loss?
Sensorineural hearing loss is a permanent type of hearing impairment often minimized or managed with hearing aids, like the ones we offer at Beltone Skoric Hearing Aid Center.
Can Hearing Damage Be Reversed?
The natural process of aging can create difficulty to hear, but so can inner ear malfunction, loud noise, and certain blockages. Luckily, hearing loss can be reversible with the proper treatment.
How Can Hearing Loss Affect the Brain?
When it comes to hearing, most people think about the ears, but in reality, it’s the brain that is responsible for hearing.
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